
Your Digital Badging Recipe for Success

Written by Credly | Mar 1, 2023 3:19:37 PM

You’ve probably heard it said that baking is a science and cooking is an art. Baking requires precise measurements, exact temperatures, and an understanding of how ingredients will interact with one another. Cooking relies on that same science but allows an adventurous individual some flexibility to adjust amounts and ingredients in order to create the desired dish. When it comes to creating and managing your digital badging program, Credly’s Customer Success Managers are like experienced chefs. They use a tried and true recipe but are capable of adjusting plans and resources to help you meet your goals.

When you work with a Credly Customer Success Manager, you get an experienced consultant who wants to understand your end goals so they can identify the necessary steps and resources you’ll need to get there. Before you can dig into the ingredients, we really need to know what delicacy you want to end up with. We understand that we all have a goal to improve our lives and careers, so you might also be looking to have the following benefits of your badging program.

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Increase the volume of new enrollments, course completions, etc
  • Increase learner engagement and provide added value
  • Decrease fulfillment costs of paper certificates
  • Establish a database of verified skills

Once we’ve determined your primary goal, then we’ll get into the components that create a successful program. You may already have all of the ingredients necessary to make your preferred dish, which makes the process quite easy. We pull out our favorite recipe that we’ve followed countless times before because we know that it results in a fabulous meal. In the world of digital credentials, the ingredients include:

  • Thorough Product Training
  • Metadata & Visual Design Frameworks
  • Effective Marketing & Communications Plan
  • Governance & Internal Process
  • Ongoing Support Plan

There may be situations where you’re missing a key ingredient (or you’ve found yourself on the set of Top Chef and you have to incorporate an ingredient you weren’t expecting). Your CSM will help you identify options based on our best practices and expertise and will be ready to get creative in order to address any unexpected elements. We want to help you and your digital badging program be successful and love being able to use our knowledge along with a dash of creativity to help you reach your goals (just don’t ask us to actually cook for you - that won’t end well in most cases). 

Discover more about the different support offered by the Credly Customer Success team. And If you're interested in learning more about issuing digital credentials on Credly, arrange a call with our team now!

This post was written by Krystal Lamoureux, Credly's Director of Customer Success