
Top Tips to Strengthen Marketing with Engaged Badge Earners

Written by Credly | Jul 9, 2024 2:35:16 PM
Digital badges are invaluable tools for employers and learning/training organizations to validate, verify, and celebrate the skills development of their learners and employees while also tracking their achievements [Check out our success stories]. The effectiveness of a digital credentialing program relies on several factors, including a robust governance plan and effective marketing activities aimed at both potential learners and existing earners.

Yet, according to the results from our Credentialing Mastery Assessment, 50% of respondents cite limited marketing resources as a barrier to effectively engaging with earners. 

Do you face a similar challenge? 

Don't overlook interaction with badge earners. Engaging with earners is essential for organizations to foster loyalty, encourage advocacy, and enhance brand awareness. By actively involving earners in sharing their achievements and experiences, organizations can harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing at a low cost. Their interaction with your organization also indicates the accessibility and impact of your credentials.

In this factsheet, we will discuss various low-cost tactics focused on engaging earners to help you enhance the visibility and impact of your digital credentials. Additionally, we will show you how being part of a platform like Credly can position you to leverage a broad network that amplifies your marketing efforts.

Top Tips to Strategies to Engage and Empower Badge Earners

So, what else can you do to market your digital credentials program by engaging and supporting earners? Here are six ways to build relationships with your earners and strengthen your marketing and revenue without a massive budget.

The Credly Network Effect

92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family more than any other form of advertising. This trust can be applied to verifiable digital badges. By enabling badge earners to easily showcase their credentials, organizations tap into this trust to amplify their digital credentials offerings. 

Digital badges not only initiate conversations about skills and achievements but also attract new professionals seeking career advancement opportunities and individuals pursuing personal development goals. This sharing behavior is reinforced by Gen Z's reliance on digital platforms for product discovery and millennials' use of social comparison in decision-making processes.

Partnering with Credly further enhances these benefits, aligning your organization's credentials with a network of over 3,500 leading brands and training programs. This affiliation not only boosts your brand's exposure but also fosters connections with prestigious industry players and prospective badge earners seeking credible skills validation.