Are "New-Collar" Workers the Future of the Workforce?

    College enrollment is at an eight year low (thanks, student loans) and the skilled worker gap is estimated to be over 2 million by 2020, says the US Department of Labor. With the shortage of a skilled workforce ready and willing to be employed, does it matter who fills jobs or is the demand going to be forced to meet the supply? 

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    Enter: the new collar worker (a term coined by IBM’s CEO Ginni Rometty). 

    New collar workers are those who have forgone traditional education but still have the skills (both soft and technical) to gain employment, especially in the high-tech field. These skills are gained through on the job training, pursuing technical certifications, and even taking select courses at local community colleges. In order for companies to remain competitive and hire the best people for the job, human resources are going to have to get creative. By working directly with community colleges and in some cases, even high schools, grabbing talent early is going to be paramount to economic success. Organizations that emphasize professional development, and especially those who offer digital credentials as proof of learning, are better equipped to mold the workforce they need. 

    If you’re interested in learning more about how organizations can better collaborate with the communities in which they serve, register for our upcoming webinar where we’ll tackle this topic in-depth. 

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