How to Manage & Share Your Digital Credentials

    Credly was created so that anyone can claim and share their achievements. What happens after you've learned something and earned a digital credential to prove that learning? 

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    hourglass-01 2 min read

    Accept your digital credential

    You'll receive an email from Credly notifying you of your new digital credential. The email will come from, so be sure to add it to your email contacts list to avoid sending your notification to a spam folder. Click the accept your badge button. If you already have an account on Credly's Acclaim Platform, sign in to your account to claim your credential. If this is your first digital credential through Credly's Acclaim Platform, you'll be guided through the necessary steps to create an account. Enter your first name, last name, your country and postal code, and a password. Review the terms of use, then check the box indicating your acceptance of them. After clicking the create my account button, you will be sent a confirmation email. Access the email and follow the instructions to finish creating your account.

    Claim your digital credential

    Once you've accepted your digital credential, you'll then need to claim it. Decide whether you'd like any credentials that you earn in the future that are issued by an organization to be accepted automatically or manually. Auto- accepting is the easiest way to manage future digital credentials that you've earned. Then decide whether you want your badge to be publicly visible or private, visible only to you. Mark the badge public so you can share it with others.

    Share your digital credentials

    After accepting your credential, you will be taken to the share page. Credly's Acclaim Platform provides several options for sharing your badge to popular destinations such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. It's standard for each social media site to require you to authorize Credly's Acclaim Platform to post on your behalf. Follow the instructions to do so, along with any prompts that pop-up to complete the sharing activity. You can also copy the imbed code for your digital credential, download your OBI compliant open badge, or copy the badge URL to paste on a resume or a link through an email signature. 



    That's it! Accepting, claiming, and sharing your digital credentials is as easy as 1-2-3. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. 

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