Right Now is the Best Time To Learn A New Skill

    Taking care of yourself can come in a million different forms: physical activity, meditation, yoga, and keeping your brain stimulated. For some, that’s as straightforward as deep breathing and the New York Times crossword puzzle. For others, it’s getting an MBA or enrolling in classes at a local community college. For all, especially right now when things feel out of control, learning new skills can give you a sense of purpose and prepare you for new opportunities in the workforce.

    calendar-plus-01 February 26, 2023
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    hourglass-01 1 min read
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    If you find yourself fretting about the future of work, right now is the best time to learn a new skill that your future self will thank you for. Whether it be to show your boss that you’re using your remote time wisely or to find a new career once day-to-day life restabilizes, there are a million reasons why you should put your skills and learning at the top of your to-do list. 

    Here’s a list of resources you can use during your #upskillyourself time, from the comfort of your home or office.

    1. IBM. IBM’s Skills Gateway is the perfect resource for expanding your knowledge base on topics like AI learning, blockchain, finance, and cloud computing. Most of the courses are free and come with a digital badge that serves as proof of your new knowledge.
    2. ForgeRock. ForgeRock University is free, comprehensive, and comes with a digital credential that you can share with your network at the end of the assessment. Learn skills like access management, identity management, and identity gateway. 
    3. EnterpriseDB. Sharpen (or create) your Progres skills with free training from EnterpriseDB. Learn everything you need to know about database administration and then share your new knowledge (and digital badge) with your LinkedIn network. 

    If you’re interested in learning more about how your organization can recognize learning and achievement through digital credentials, schedule a chat with our team now!

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