Three Ways To Bring Positive Change to Your Workforce

    A large majority of the American and global population had their normal, daily work routines completely upended when COVID-19 hit. What we all thought was going to be a hiccup in an otherwise normal year ended up being months of remote work, furloughs, and ultimately a dismal jobs report with over 12 million US jobs lost between February and May of 2020. 
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    For those of us who have survived the 2008 recession, we know that the economy is cyclical. We’ll get back to work soon enough. While we do have this time to reflect, however, maybe it’s time to inflict change on the workforce we’re returning to. Long commutes weren’t awesome. Ping pong tables are so last decade. The workforce wants meaningful, positive changes to their work lives, and that change starts at your organization. 

    Here are three positive changes to bring to your organization once everyone gets back to the office. 

      1. Workforce training. The perks at work went from espresso machines to upskilling really quickly once people realized that coffee wasn’t going to land them a promotion. The modern workforce wants to know that they’re valued, appreciated and that their employer is invested in their future. Reskilling and upskilling employees for jobs that your organization may not even need yet allow hiring managers to take control of future change, and it allows employees to learn new skills. It’s a win-win. 
      2. Skills recognition. Those new skills your workforce learned have to be accompanied by a digital credential. Paper certificates are expensive to print, and no one sees them anyway. Digital credentials show the world that your organization is invested in learning and training and that your employees are engaged at work. Plus, your organization gets increased brand recognition when the badges are shared on social media. 
      3. Nix the five day work week. It’s radical, but it may just be the answer to getting the jobs report back to its pre-COVID level. By allowing your employees to have four days at work and three days to recharge and rest, employers will make it loud and clear that they’ve invested in workforce development, work-life balance, and employee happiness. Employers who focus on productivity instead of time spent at the office tend to have a more engaged workforce who is willing to bring their best and full selves to work every day.

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