Buyer's Guide

    The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to Digital Credentialing Platforms

    Looking for a digital credentialing platform and don’t know where to start? Download our buyer’s guide and unlock key aspects to consider when evaluating digital credentialing platforms.
    calendar-plus-01 July 1, 2024
    user-circle Credly Team
    hourglass-01 1 min read
    Buyers Guide LP Image

    Download this ultimate buyer’s guide to digital credentialing platforms to:

    • Explore key features and capabilities of digital credential issuing platforms.
    • Discover the additional support and options your organization may need from an issuing platform.
    • Evaluate how Credly compares against key features and needs of your program.

    Complete the form below to access the Buyer's Guide:

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    Let's Talk About Governance & Taxonomy In a Non-Boring Way

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    Connecting Faculty to Digital Credentials: Your Questions Answered Part 2

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    Faculty Development & Digital Credentials

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    Credly and Emsi to Improve Alignment of Credentials and Job Titles

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    Introducing the New Talent Directory on Credly’s Acclaim Platform

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    Five ways skills-based talent management can support DEI initiatives

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    Ready to Get Started with Credly’s Acclaim platform?