Digital Credentials Unlocked: A Beginner’s Guide for Employers

    As market dynamics rapidly change and competition intensifies, organizations must prioritize employee training and engagement, supporting them to upskill to maintain competitiveness. Discover how digital credentials can support your employee learning and development in our guide.
    calendar-plus-01 March 8, 2024
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    In today's dynamic business environment, talent management is crucial for staying competitive. Gartner reports that 58% of the workforce needs new skills, while HR professionals face challenges finding candidates with the right skills. Employees prioritize career growth, but only 34% are satisfied with role-specific training. Organizations must utilize digital credentials to adopt a skills-centric and data-informed strategy to address these issues.

    Use this guide to:
    • Explore the pressing need for workforce upskilling in a rapidly changing market.
    • Understand the transformative potential of digital credentials for your organization. 
    • Explore practical applications and benefits of digital credentialing in talent management, employee skill development and demonstrating tangible return on investment (ROI).
    • Develop a roadmap for successfully implementing and managing a digital credentialing program.

    Fill in the form below to access the guide. 


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