ATD Certification Institute adopts Credly’s Acclaim platform to reward certification recipients with digital badges to validate the skills and knowledge demonstrated by the credential holder.
Digital badging addresses many components of a modern learning environment. Security and authenticity are verified through Credly’s Acclaim platform; each digital badge includes unique data about the credential holder and what that individual accomplished to earn the badge. Learning is more social than ever, so earners can share their digital credentials across various social media platforms, with their contacts, and with the greater community, thereby enhancing their profile. Most critically, digital badging can assist companies with closing skills gaps by using the badges to take inventory of acquired skills, identify skill gaps, and create development opportunities for missing skills.
“Digital credentials enable professionals to showcase what they know as they pursue careers,” said Jonathan Finkelstein, CEO of Credly. “Through their new digital credential offering, ATD not only recognizes the hard work of CPLPs and APTDs but empowers them to make the best use of validated skills wherever their career takes them.”
Learn more about ATD's digital credentialing program.