Credly and Emsi to Improve Alignment of Credentials and Job Titles

    Credly is enhancing its network with Emsi Open Titles to further demonstrate how credentials offer upward mobility when aligned closely to the realities of the labor market and the job titles within it. Emsi Open Titles is a new open-source library that distills over 20 million real-world jobs into 75,000 standardized titles and is updated every two weeks. 
    user-circle Sara Bartlett
    hourglass-01 1 min read
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    Credly is enhancing its network with Emsi Open Titles to further demonstrate how credentials offer upward mobility when aligned closely to the realities of the labor market and the job titles within it. Emsi Open Titles is a new open-source library that distills over 20 million real-world jobs into 75,000 standardized titles and is updated every two weeks. 

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