Earner Spotlight: How Digital Credentials Help Build Connections

    You may not give a lot of thought to how the environment around you is created, but chances are you’ve interacted with a something made using Autodesk design, engineering, and entertainment software. Autodesk software is used to create 80% of the manufactured environment people interact with every day--from smartphones and movie effects to high-performance cars and skyscrapers. And, for many professionals in the architecture, engineering, construction, and design industries, using the software is a daily job requirement.
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    This couldn’t be truer for Roberto Olea, an architect at a real estate company in Querétaro, México. Olea uses Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture to work on residential, commercial, and urban design projects and earned a Certified User digital credential for Autodesk AutoCAD.

    Training and certification are central to Autodesk, and the company educates architecture, manufacturing, and engineering professionals across the globe. The Autodesk Certification program offers digital credentials to recognize earners for being certified in their software programs. Olea is one of those earners.

    “When I start my computer every day, the first software I run is AutoCAD Architecture,” says Olea. His workflow starts with either a design drawn by hand or a conceptual master plan for a residential project, and then he draws it on the computer using AutoCAD. When the plans are made, he changes to Autodesk 3DS Max to make presentation renderings.

    Since earning an Autodesk Certified User digital credential, Olea has experienced many job-related benefits. Sharing the digital credential on his resume and portfolio piques interest from colleagues and clients for Olea’s work, helping him connect to more opportunities. “When the clients see my digital credential, they always ask about it. When I explain that I'm an Autodesk Certified User, they feel more sure about my job, even if they don’t know me.”

    And, sometimes colleagues that are aware of Olea’s Autodesk credential have referred clients to him for potential jobs. “I think the biggest benefit is that the clients feel more confident when I show them my digital credentials. I feel that they can trust in me if they know that I'm a Certified User, and that makes me feel more confident,” says Olea.

    To find out more about the benefits digital credentials can bring to your organization and earners, speak to our team now!

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