Digital Credentialing – A Big Win for Oracle Certifications

    This is a guest blog post brought to you by the team at Oracle. 
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    This is a guest blog post brought to you by the team at Oracle. 

    Technology has changed everything from the way we shop, cook, and manage our health, to the way we learn, search for work, communicate, and connect. It is also changing the way we showcase our skills and experience.

    Oracle Certification implemented digital badging or digital credentialing in 2015 to an audience of hundreds of thousands. As candidates and hiring managers began to see the real benefits of these badges, acceptance has continued to grow. We are seeing not only benefits for certified individuals, but also for recruiters, hiring managers, and for Oracle’s Certification program.

    Oracle Certification Badges Benefit Badge Earners

    Obvious benefits for badge earners are that digital badging is secure, verifiable, and portable. It’s easy to provide verification of your certification. The badge links back to secure metadata on the Credly platform that is unique to the earner.

    Another benefit for badge earners that may not be as obvious is the story told by a digital badge’s supporting metadata. When a badge earner shares this badge on a public forum, or with another individual, there is important context that is shared along with the image. Viewers can see a badge earner’s skills, an overview of what it means to hold this badge, and the steps the earner took to secure the badge.

    This metadata takes some of the guesswork out of what a certification title actually means and allows the badge earner to confidently represent their skills, knowledge and qualifications. This is invaluable to a certified individual and makes certification more than just a piece of paper.

    Additionally, for Oracle’s high stakes certification badges, badge earners can access real time labor market data that shows available jobs relevant to the badged credential along with top companies, job locations, and salaries.

    Oracle Certification Badges Benefit Hiring Managers

    Why should hiring managers and recruiters care about digital badges and digital credentials? Arguably, digital credentialing can benefit hiring managers the most. Digital representation of a credential eliminates the need for a lengthy verification processes.

    We mentioned context above and perhaps this is the most important benefit hiring managers see from digital badging. What does a credential title actually mean? Looking at a candidate in the context of the information provided by the badge can be the difference between the right candidate for the job and wasted time and money on an unqualified hire.

    This Oracle Certification blog post takes an in depth look at the benefits of digital badging to both badge earners and hiring managers..

    Oracle Certification Badges Benefit Oracle Certification’s Validity and Visibility

    Finally, digital badging was the right move for Oracle Certification for many reasons. Making this move to modernized credential verification and is helping Oracle Certification remain relevant and up to date with a new generation of learners.

    Anytime we provide a more valuable tool for our audience, it benefits our program. Badges provide a more meaningful tool than printed certificates and logos. This adds value to Oracle Certification credentials and keeps us relevant in the marketplace.
    Beyond that, digital badging gives Oracle Certification unprecedented visibility.

    We promote digital badges through our blog, communities, website, social posts, and LinkedIn, raising awareness of the badge and socializing the concept helping to set the standard for the future.

    Additionally, badge earners are also promoting their own badges across many outlets from social to email to job sites. This sharing promotes the Oracle Certification brand and gives confidence to those considering certification that they are joining a well-established, skilled, and knowledgeable community of professionals.

    Our badge earners are our biggest advocates with over 50K shares in the past 12 months which translates to well over 1.6 million impressions on social media, keeping the Oracle Certification brand in the public eye.

    Since Oracle Certification pioneered digital badging at Oracle with our partner Credly (formerly Acclaim), we regularly receive requests from other internal teams on how to create their own digital badging awards. The rapid expansion of digital badging across lines of business at Oracle is a testament to the organizational benefits of digital badging.

    If you are interested in learning more about digital credentials and the potential benefits they can bring to your team, schedule a demo with us now. 

    Schedule a Demo


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