GICT Training & Certification  Launches New Digital Credentialing Initiative with Credly

    GICT Training, a pioneer in offering open source technology-based and vendor- neutral certification programs in the areas of AI/Machine Learning, Big Data/Data Science, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things (IoT) announced in a press release the details of a new digital badging program for its certification holders. Individuals who successfully complete the course requirements will earn a GICT Training digital credential through Credly.
    user-circle Sara Bartlett
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    GICT Training, a pioneer in offering open source technology-based and vendor- neutral certification programs in the areas of AI/Machine Learning, Big Data/Data Science, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things (IoT) announced in a press release the details of a new digital badging program for its certification holders. Individuals who successfully complete the course requirements will earn a GICT Training digital credential through Credly.

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