Here’s How Credly Acclaim Helps to Verify Your Credentials On-the-Job

    Digital badges, featuring rich metadata and real-time verification, provide a fraud-resistant solution for showcasing skills. This benefits industries like construction, healthcare, and professional associations, enabling swift on-site verification and eliminating the need for physical wallet cards.
    user-circle Jill Musguire
    hourglass-01 3 min read
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    A digital badge verifies necessary certifications or skills in real-time. And, adding a badge to a mobile wallet makes it easy to access and share credentials wherever an earner needs to show them. The share-to-mobile wallet feature works with Apple and Android mobile wallets, and once an individual earns a digital badge, they can add it to the digital wallet of their choice. 

    With this sharing capability, contractors can rest assured that their construction crews can quickly show necessary credentials to inspectors on job sites--keeping the construction site up and running. And, medical tech and healthcare workers can rely on their mobile devices to show certifications at healthcare facilities instead of needing one more piece of paper to carry with them. Professional associations that rely on paper cards to verify membership can also benefit from this new feature. 

    The ability to share digital badges to a mobile wallet also eliminates the need for issuers to invest staff time and budget into printing and shipping physical wallet cards. That saves time, resources, and money

    To learn more about transforming your credentialing program with digital badges, please contact us.

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