Move over Millennials - Gen Z is ready for Digital Credentials

    As Generation Z enters the workforce, they prioritize alternative education, flexible job roles, and innovative training. Digital credentials, offering verified skills and adaptability, are crucial for recruiting and engaging Gen Z.

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    While many HR leaders are still determining the best ways to recruit, engage, and retain millennials Generation Z will start entering the workforce over the next few years--and businesses need to be ready.

    Generation Z is defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as those born after 2000, and as the oldest members of the cohort turn 18 next year, more will be heading directly into the workforce than previous generations. Why is that? Generation Z is expected to be less focused on formal education, in part because of the high costs as well as the plethora of on-demand learning options available now. In fact, 75% of Generation Z says there are other ways of getting an education than going to college, according to Sparks & Honey.

    Digital credentials are poised to be a powerful tool to help employers recruit and engage Generation Z. Here are three reasons why:

    1. Generation Z was born into the digital age

      They have access to all things online, on-demand is part of everyday life. They are expected to pursue online classes, how-to’s, video tutorials, and other alternative credentials in lieu of a formal degree more so than previous generations, and digital credentials will play an essential role in verifying and sharing their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

    2. Training and development will be a major draw in recruiting

      Generation Z will be looking for companies that provide college-like training, according to a Forbes interview with Generation Z expert, Ryan Jenkins. He advises that “companies should also utilize innovative technology” to recruit the next generation. Digital credentials are stackable, portable, and shareable, helping organizations make their training and development offerings more engaging to Gen Z’s digital natives.

    3. Generation Z doesn’t want a cookie-cutter job focused on a single area

      They are looking for flexibility with their job roles. According to Jenkins, 75% of Generation Z would be interested in a situation where they could have multiple roles within one place of employment. Digital credentials help managers and HR leaders identify talent pools--and individual strengths and areas of improvement--to facilitate the flexibility Generation Z will be looking for in the workplace.

    Creating a digital credentialing program can help your organization get ready for Generation Z’s transition into the workforce. Credly is trusted by thousands of brands to develop successful and impactful digital credentialing programs. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your organization.

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