New Report

    2024 Training Skills Outlook – Engineering

    Engineering talent is currently in high demand, but there is a limited supply of qualified of qualified individuals. Discover which are the most demand skills in engineering in 2024.
    calendar-plus-01 April 24, 2024
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    Engineering skills outlook report cover image

    The emerging gap between supply and demand in engineering talent is generating concern within the industry. With demand for skills like automation technology anticipated to increase, industry leaders worry traditional engineering education is struggling to keep up with new developments.

    For training providers and associations that create training programs for those in engineering, this emerging skill gap can be taken as an opportunity to grow business among engineers looking to upskill. In our report, we’ve analysed the latest skill data to uncover the emerging, popular and trending skills to help you build programs that are in high demand.

    Use this report to:

    • Uncover future training needs in engineering.
    • Discover how you can adapt your programs around the most in-demand skills.
    • Learn how digital credentials can support your training program delivery and promotion.

    Complete the form below to access the report.

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