
    How Employers Use Digital Credentials to Make Workforce Decisions

    As jobs sit unfilled and skills gaps widen, leading employers are focused on gathering workplace and employee insights and driving engagement in internal L&D programs. See their top tactics in action.
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    A McKinsey survey revealed that 87% of executives face or anticipate skill gaps, with half focusing on skill building and 31% prioritizing hiring to bridge the gap. In response to widening skills gaps and unfilled job openings, employers are adopting innovative strategies to address immediate and future skill needs.

    This whitepaper explores how organizations can gather workforce insights, boost engagement in internal L&D programs, and make data-driven Human Capital Management decisions using verified skills and credentials. The whitepaper includes practical insights on:

    • Effectively measuring and assessing the real impact of learning initiatives.
    • Identifying meaningful metrics for employee engagement beyond conventional measures.
    • Implementing thoughtful strategies to enhance employee engagement within Internal L&D Programs.
    • Leveraging technology to create a more engaging experience for remote workers.

    Fill in the form below to discover the role of digital credentials in helping you to make informed workforce decisions. 

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