ROI Calculator

    Paper Certificates vs
    Digital Credentials

    Say goodbye to paper certificates and discover the incredible savings and efficiency waiting for you.

    Wondering how much time and money your business can reclaim by switching to digital credentials? Just enter the approximate number of paper certificates you issue per year, and our ROI calculator will show you a clear and compelling cost and time comparison!
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    Complete the calculator to see what you could save by making the switch to digital credentials.

    Unlock your Savings

    Discover the long-term benefits of digital credentials

    Utilizing digital credentials is not only cost-effective but also offers a multitude of long-term benefits for you as an issuer and your students or learners.

    Discover more in our factsheet, which includes:
    • Long-term benefits and values transitioning to digital credentials
    • Success story & statistics
    • Best practices to maximize credentialing program result
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    Read More

    Unlocking Opportunities in Membership Associations: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to Digital Credentials

    Our comprehensive beginner’s guide to digital credentials for associations explains how...
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    Mastering Digital Credentials: A Beginner's Guide for Training Providers

    Our comprehensive beginner’s guide to digital credentials for training providers explores how...
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    Why You Should Embrace Digital Credentials for Your Students' Employability

    $673.31 million is predicted for the global market for digital badges by 2030. Digital badges...
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    Explore Different Badge Opportunities for Professional Associations with Acclaim

    Download our factsheet to learn how digital credentials can benefit your associations.
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    How-To Reinforce Your Brand With Digital Credentials Infographic

    Utilizing digital credentials proves to be an effective method for encouraging learners to...
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    Digital Credentials Unlocked: A Beginner’s Guide for Employers

    In today's dynamic business environment, talent management is crucial for staying competitive....
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    Ready to Get Started with Credly’s Acclaim platform?