
    The Future of Jobs in the United States

    2023-2033 Outlook
    calendar-plus-01 March 28, 2023
    user-circle Credly

    The upcoming decade will witness profound transformations in various industries due to artificial intelligence and robotics. Rather than a reduction in jobs, these changes will reshape the nature of work itself. The effects will vary across occupations, regions, and organizations. To navigate this evolution, organizations need to comprehend how technology will alter job tasks and identify emerging opportunities.

    Our workforce analytics, employing advanced economic forecasting and a comprehensive technology impact model, projects the influence of technology on the future of the US workforce over the next ten years.

    Use this report to: 

    • Understand the key impacts of technology on various jobs and industries.
    • Start your strategic workforce planning with our top tips!

    Fill in the form to access the report.


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