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    Product Certification Providers: It’s Easier Than You Think to Get Your Credentialing Program off the Ground

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    Tom Harney:

    We're beyond excited to start. Looks like we have a worldwide crew. I see people joining from Wisconsin, the Netherlands, Virginia, Australia. What an amazing way to start your Tuesday, or for us or for those across the world, maybe end your day. My name's Tom Harney. I'm sales director with Credly. Excited to moderate our appointment today. Leading our charge today will be Abby Loughran and Stephanie Overman, two of our amazing customer success managers. We were actually nominated by the Customer Success Collective for the best customer success team in the country, and these are two of our anchors of the team.

    Beyond excited to talk about how it's easier than you think to get your credentialing program off the ground, and Abby and Stephanie are here to answer some of those questions. So with that being said, let's get it started.

    So as you can see, Stephanie Overman, Abby Loughran, and Tom Harney. Perfect. So where we always like to start is, where are you in your journey today? How mature is your product certification program, and what are some of the things you're hoping that we can answer at the end of this call?

    We've put together some of the questions we hear on a daily basis, some of the challenges our clients are facing, some thought provoking questions. I'm here today, where do I need to go in the future? So we'd love to hear directly from you on where you are and how we can help you get to where you're going. So I'll give people about 60 seconds to put some things in the chat. Perfect.

    So what I always like to start with is a little bit about Credly. Who are we? Why should you take our advice, and why do we have the right to be here? So the power of digital credentials for certification providers is truly amazing. To date, we've issued over 60 million credentials, shared over 4.3 million to LinkedIn, and over 30 million individuals have a Credly badge. What does all this mean? It means that Credly is helping people learn new skills, share those skills, and ultimately better their lives so that they have the skills necessary to take their families where they want to be. Where the most trusted platform for the world's most recognizable providers, development platforms, SaaS products and technology companies. This is one of my favorite things about being at Credly, is we've been able to help a wide variety of industries, from, like you see, Amazon, Oracle, all the way to small associations and higher education organizations to provide a unique experience that helps your team train and certify your people. Perfect.

    So now with my little earn the right done, we can move on into the FAQs from our providers, and again, these are just questions we hear typically. They come up a lot, so we want to help cover these up front to help you through your journey.

    So we'll start with Stephanie. Stephanie, how do we get internal stakeholders on board before launching digital credentials for certification programs?

    Stephanie Overman:

    Yeah, thanks, Tom. Hi everyone. Thanks for joining today. So this is a question we get a lot, and it's super important. I think one of the best things you can do as you're having those internal conversations is tie the badges to your business objectives, and this can be across various departments. Some of the common goals that we see are targeting brand awareness, earn our engagement, increasing enrollment or volumes of some sort. So those are some conversations that you can start having, speaking about what digital credentials can do for your organization across various departments.

    You can also start building momentum by starting with a program you already have, and we're going to talk more about that later. Education is key here. We have tons of white papers and blogs that you can distribute internally. You can find that on the Resources section of the  Credly website, and then as you kick off the sales process with Credly, one of our fantastic sales team members can help provide the information you need for your internal team members. Back to you, Tom.

    Tom Harney:

    Excellent. Thank you, Stephanie. Perfect. So this one goes to Abby. How can we prepare in advance for a digital credentialing program?

    Abby Loughran:

    This is a great question and a good segue from the last one. So we found that our most successful clients are those that have a plan. Now that may sound simple, but you need to get started and start strategizing things like, what are you trying to solve for? Why might you be making this investment? So if you think about the problem or what you're trying to solve for, then that leads well into establishing your goals and associated metrics to measure those goals.

    So what matters to you most? For example, have you recently seen a decrease in the number of enrollments in those who complete product certifications with you? So on that same note, then, perhaps your goal would to be to increase volumes. A tangible goal, adding on another layer, would be to increase volumes by 20% year over year. That's a great example of a goal and a metric tied to it so that when it comes time to evaluate your program or take a look at ROI, you can match that back to the goals that you originally set.

    I'd like to say that it's very important, too, to note that your goals will change as it's your program matures, that that is okay and that is expected. Next, you want to think about a concept of a governance body or a governance committee. That team will put in the policies and procedures in place to help ensure standards for your program, quality, consistency. Also, they'll help think about things like, what is the rigor for the badges? What types of badges are we offering? Who is the audience? What does that submission process look like, as well as that approval process and the day-to-day management of your badging program? So roles to think about, and this could change, and people can wear many hats. You don't need a separate individual to fulfill each role, but think about an executive sponsor.

    So Steph mentioned stakeholder buy-in earlier. Think about a badging lead to run your program, a program manager, perhaps a support staff to support that badging lead. You could think about technical resources if you go down the route of an integration to automate the issuance of badges from your system to Credly, and also marketing. So later today, we'll hear about how marketing is so important to create education and awareness around your digital badging program.

    Lastly, one tidbit of advice is to take inventory of what you're looking to badge for and start thinking about a taxonomy and framework. So Tom, if you wouldn't mind advancing to the next slide, and we can see an example of that. So here, our client ForgeRock has laid out a taxonomy for their badging program. Up top, you see the types or categories of badges that they offer. So they've done an exercise to define what a knowledge type badge, for example, is comprised of. What level of rigor, what criteria constitutes that it is a knowledge type badge, et cetera. So think about how your badges are similar, how they're different. Do you offer multiple certifications? Really, my best advice here is just to get started, start planning, put pen to paper. We have had clients whiteboard this, and again, note that you don't have to get it perfect right away. Just get started early.

    Tom Harney: Thank you for the great answer. This is to Stephanie, "What is the process of getting started with Credly?"

    Stephanie Overman:

    Yeah, so the process is super easy. That's the first thing I want to say. So if you're interested in getting started, we're going to be putting a link in the chat so that you can connect with our sales team, and then after the webinar, there will also be a link, so be on the lookout for those, and then once you connect with our sales team and get the ball rolling there, that starts the onboarding process. Eventually, you'll come to the customer success team. You might even work with Abby and I, so this may not be the last time you see us, and then from there, we have tons of resources to help you get started.

    So just a bit of what that looks like. We have what we call the Credly Academy, which is a comprehensive self-service course that you can go through at your own pace. We also have an issuer help center that you'll be able to access. It hosts all of our frequently asked questions, and it's broken out really nicely so that you can just type in a keyword and get your answer quickly. We also have a monthly "ask me anything" that I host. This is for current clients, and it's a time when our community can come together, ask frequently asked questions, talk about what's working for them, and connect with each other. So whatever you prefer. If you're more of an extrovert and like that CSM engagement, we have that for you. If you're somebody who just likes to get your answer quickly within a database, we have that for you too.

    So the big takeaway here is that it's super easy to get started. Be on the lookout for that link, and just know that what's most important to us is that you feel well resourced along the way. So we have different paths for you as you get started. Tom, I'm going to have you go to the next slide.

    Tom Harney:

    Yeah, and actually, could I add one little bit first?

    Stephanie Overman:


    Tom Harney:

    Yeah. Awesome. So the one thing I always like to add, especially as a director of sales, I know many people don't love dealing with salespeople, because they can be overbearing, follow up a million times, but my promise and my word to you is we've trained our salespeople to listen. Their goal is only to hear about your problems, provide a solution that helps, and then ultimately leave the ball in your court to make the decision that's best for your organization. So if you ever have a sales rep that doesn't adhere to that, please email me directly, because that's not how we work, and that's not the partnerships we're trying to create here. So I will go to the next slide now.

    Stephanie Overman:

    Thanks. I can second that. I can second that. Okay, so here I have just a snapshot of the Credly Academy. So again, this was something that you would receive as you sign on with us. This is just one of the resources. So it's not your only resource, but it's a self-service course. Our amazing education team here at Credly designed this to be really comprehensive and easy to digest. So what you'll see here are just some of the modules that you would go through. This isn't all of them, but you'll see that you can just take it at your own pace, You can revisit them, you can skip around, and at the end of the course, you do earn a digital credential, of course. Over back to you, Tom.

    Tom Harney:

    Excellent. So Abby, how easy is it to navigate Credly's platform?

    Abby Loughran:

    So I thought about this quite a bit, and it is really simple. I just want to say one word. It is easy, and I promise my biggest advice here is to get in the platform and start diving in and not to put it off. I know it can be scary to learn a new platform. Also, this is probably on top of your day to day, and you're trying to find time to squeeze it in, but I promise as soon as you get in, it becomes implemented into your day to day process, it becomes easier to navigate the more you use it.

    On top of that, we've heard over and over again that it is just so easy to navigate. Our product team is also exceptional to continually make product updates in future enhancements to make our platform easier and to help you meet your goals. So we just advise you start digging in right away, and like Steph mentioned, we have lots of resources like our training and onboarding courses she just showed, as well as an issuer support center. You always have your customer success managers like Steph and I to rely on as well, and we'll actually see in a little bit that our platform is easy to navigate as a whole, even on the earner side of things.

    So those individuals you issue digital credentials to, we intuitively make the process easy so that they can quickly log in or create an account and accept and manage and promote their badge all within a couple of clicks.

    Tom Harney:

    So Abby, that's to say it's pretty easy to navigate, huh?

    Abby Loughran:


    Tom Harney:

    Love it, love it, and I really do feel that's one of the number one things we hear when we're talking to our clients is, "Wow, I can't believe how easy it is." So I love it. All right, Steph, do we need to have multiple product certification programs to start issuing digital credentials?

    Stephanie Overman:

    Not at all. So not at all. Whether you have one program currently and that's all you'll have, or whether you have tons of programs, many of the organizations that come to us just start with one, and it's something we like as well. We call it a pilot, so to speak, because you're starting with just one program to get off the ground. This allows you to get comfortable with the Credly platform to start to build up your marketing content, build education, get some buy in, and then once you launch that one program, if you do want to expand, it will allow you to review your analytics, make any slight tweaks that you need to get started. So starting small allows you to focus on a single certification. It allows you to get it right, so know that you don't have to have all the pieces right away.

    You can start where you are with what you have, and that's actually what we would recommend. Start with a pilot.

    Tom Harney:

    Yeah, I'd agree with that. We've seen a lot of success when companies do that, because it allows you to get that initial buy-in from your organization, which makes it super easy to scale. Love it. All right. Back to Abby. What are the best practices for expanding down the multi-certification path?

    Abby Loughran:

    Thank you. So Steph just mentioned that we recommend starting small, perhaps with a pilot. Most likely, you'll begin your digital credentialing program with a one-to-one ratio of offering one digital credential per product certification. From there and after your pilot or starting small, you can get to know your key users and determine what credentials would be most beneficial to them, in terms of thinking about expanding your program. You could think about building different levels of proficiency into your digital credentialing program that would allow them to continue along their certification journey with you, become more loyal, most likely renew and re-certify, and Tom, if you wouldn't mind advancing to the next slide, I'd like to talk about the concept of what you may have heard as micro credentials and macro credentials, or stacked credentials.

    So Juniper Networks has done a great job of this. So they are a mature digital credentialing program in the product certification space. I mentioned starting small. So originally, they did offer one digital credential per product certification, but as their program has grown and matured, they've offered what we see on the right, which you could call many terms. One of them is stackable credentials or micro credentials, but if we look at the first green one, the 3A certified associate badge, what it is once you earn three certified associate badges, you get this stacked kind of higher level recognition badge. Now they've also moved into what they're calling a multiple multi-certification badge, which is what we see on the left. So on the right, it's badges stacked across tiers. On the left, they're taking, for example, it's the 531 certified badge. So five associate badges or digital certifications, three specialists in one professional level, and they've seen great success with this in terms of engagement and increased volumes. So they've seen, for example, even on social networks like LinkedIn, when people earn this, they're congratulating each other. Others are chiming in saying, "I've earned three associate levels out of five, I have two more to go." So this higher level multi-certification badge, they're seeing great success, it's highly revered, and that's not to say everyone has to go this route. I briefly mentioned examples of how you can grow your program.

    Tom Harney:

    Perfect, thank you. Back to Stephanie. How do we encourage earners to share and promote our digital credentialed programs?

    Stephanie Overman:

    This is one of my favorite questions and one of my favorite topics. So promotion and education is huge here. So we find that organizations that do some type of pre-launch promotion or marketing tend to have higher engagement and acceptance rates. So if marketing sounds scary to you or getting buy-in with your marketing team sounds scary, don't worry. We have best practices along the way, and we have everything you need so that you don't have to recreate the wheel if you don't want to, and when I say everything, I mean everything. We have email copy, videos, social media templates, website copy, surveys. Truly, we've created it all so that when you come on as a client with Credly, we can hand you a communications guide, and you can use what you'd like and make it as easy as possible, if you don't want to recreate the wheel.

    When you're starting a new program, again, pre-launch marketing is key. It's something that we will work with you on. We'll also provide tons of examples of what other groups are doing just to make sure, again, that you feel really well resourced. Tom, if you wouldn't mind going to the next slide, I have just a few examples here. So again, that communications guide is a guide that we will give to you once you come on, and it has everything. We have videos that you can put your logo into. Social media templates, which you'll see here on the bottom left hand screen. We have a template that our wonderful designer at Credly created for all of the various networks, so Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and we have different designs that you can simply pop your logo into. It doesn't get easier than that.

    Again, you can certainly create your own custom material, but we have a starting point for you. On the right, we'll see a share from my friend Abby. She shared her digital credential to LinkedIn, which is one of our most popular social media sites, and what you'll see here is that earners can actually put in custom text. So what we have a lot of groups do is some sort of campaign around sharing with a hashtag. You'll see here that Abby put in two custom hashtags that she wanted to, and this is a really great way for organizations to interact with their earners. We could easily reshare this post. I could comment on this and say congratulations, but we will give you all of the best practices, and again, what I want to hone in on here is that we make it as easy as possible. You'll have everything you need.

    Tom Harney:

    Thank you, Stephanie, and to that point, a little short story I'd like to share is when I came to Credly, one of my team's internal goals was to actually accumulate more badges, and at the end of the day, people want to share their achievement, especially if you make it easy for them. So we focused on grabbing two badges, one skill based, one knowledge based, every single month, and my team loves to share it on LinkedIn, they should comment on each others, and it just creates a network of people excited about your brand. Excellent.

    Back to Abby. How does an earner accept and manage their digital credentials?

    Abby Loughran:

    Sure. So I promised earlier we'd take a look at that and I'd explain this in more detail. So if you wouldn't mind going to the next slide, Tom.

    So when you issue badges to an individual on our platform, that kicks off an automated email notification from Credly, letting that individual know that they've been issued a badge by you on our platform. After they create an account or simply log in, they're taken to the screen on the left. So if they have any badges waiting for them, we put that up front and center. You see that green button there where they can go ahead and accept their badge, and I mentioned previously that we purposely built our platform to be intuitive. So as a new user to our platform, we are now landing them into this screen on the right to go ahead and share their badge and promote it.

    We're not expecting them necessarily to know how to navigate their platform. We're prompting them to share, we're landing them in the screen so that they can immediately, and within a few clicks, interact with and share and promote their achievements. So on the left here, we see how they can promote it via social media, and Steph, as she mentioned, LinkedIn is the number one sharing destination off of our platform, because it is a professional network. Then we see on the right ways they can publish their badge. So they can share it via email, they can post the public link. There's embed code available, they can download a print certificate if you choose to offer that for your program. So tons of ways to interact with their badge.

    Tom Harney:

    Excellent answer, Abby. Thank you. Back to Stephanie. How do you manage expirations and renewals for product certifications?

    Stephanie Overman:

    Yes. So a lot of groups that come to us have expirations for their certification programs. If you do not have expirations, that's fine as well. On the Credly platform, expiration dates are totally optional, so that if you do have them, you can use the features related to that, and if you don't, no worries there. So Tom, I'm going to have you go to the next slide please. So here's a snapshot of just a couple of the features that we have that relate to expiration dates. These are some of my favorites, so I wanted to showcase them here.

    We make it really easy for you to use expiration dates. So you can certainly add in a custom expiration date for a specific earner as you'd like. You can do that in bulk as well, but let's say that you have a program where once someone gets a certification, it automatically expires in one year or two years or three years. You can easily go into the template settings, the badge settings, and adjust that date.

    Another feature that we have that is one of my favorites is our expiration notification. So if you use expiration dates, you can opt in to your earners receiving a notification 60 days before their credential expires, and this is going to give them a heads up that, "Hey, your credential will be expiring. Reach out to your organization." So a great way to boost those renewal rates automatically, and of course, we make it really easy to update expiration dates in bulk or for a single earner. So you can make it as custom as you'd like, you can do it as automatically as you'd like. We allow for a range of options here, but just know that if you have expiration dates, you've come to the right place. If you don't have them, we're good with that too.

    Tom Harney:

    Perfect, and I love how the expirations just change based on your organization. Some people, they're training in certification programs updating every year, so it's necessary. Other people, other organizations stay the same year over year, so it's unnecessary. So just more power into your hands. Abby, how do we measure the ROI of our digital credentialing program?

    Abby Loughran:

    Thank you. I invite you to think about different measures to assess ROI. Also, to think back earlier to when I mentioned having the plan and establishing and setting those goals and associated metrics is really important, and it'll help paint that picture of the ROI story for you. So do keep those initial goals in mind. So obviously, when we're talking about ROI, revenue is a big one. So are you bringing in more revenue than it costs to run your program? Think about things like impact on user experience.

    So after launching your digital credential program, can you see increased engagement with your brand with those after achieving a certification? Do you see growth within your account? So based on individuals who have obtained your certifications, are there are other departments within that company? Are there BUs that are aiming to achieve certifications as well? So that means seeing increased volumes. Another way you could measure is based on renewals and re-certifications. That's a good measurement of loyalty. You could think about something like increased brand impressions. So we can also help you with a lot of these metrics and information.

    Tom, if you wouldn't mind advancing to the next slide. So let's say, for example, you're measuring ROI on brand impressions. We can help you build that story, and that could be through shares and views per shares. So I'll describe these metrics that we have on our platform. What we see here is what we call our analytics dashboard. On the left, within the circle, we see the total number of digital credentials for this time period issued for this program. On the right, we see the acceptance rate. So when an individual claims or accepts your badge, that's what we refer to as an accepted badge. So out of 1,101 badges, 93% have went on to claim or accept their badge on our platform. From there, 48% then went on to share their badge. So earlier, we discussed the different ways they can share out their badge, LinkedIn being the most popular, and then views per share.

    This is a really interesting stat, one of my favorites. So if I, for example, shared my badge to LinkedIn and you clicked on my share, we're counting that as a view per my share, if that makes sense. So this does help pull many metrics to help build the ROI story, and then lastly, we have clicks per view. So when you do build your digital credentials, you can optionally include custom links back to your site, your product certification pages that you might have, unique links for registration or signing up for your certification. So we're tracking the number of clicks on those unique links you may optionally provide, based on the total number of views for that digital credential. I also quickly want to mention that it doesn't end here.

    So this is our dashboard, but you can export a robust analytics report that tracks earner behavior, essentially. So that report would include every single badge issued, every single digital credential issued to every single earner four year program. It outlines earner behavior in terms of, have they clicked on the email notifications notifying them they've earned a badge? Have they then went on to create an account and confirm it, and then claim their badge and interact with it in terms of sharing it?

    Also, we include what destinations they are sharing it to. So you have a wealth of information. We're always happy to partner with you and help measure ROI for your programs, but let us know if you have any questions or if there's ever any metrics you're looking for.

    Tom Harney:

    Awesome. Abby, I can't lie. I'm a huge nerd. So this is probably my favorite part of the entire platform, because it really allows you to track the ROI and find out what's happening with your people, what skills are they learning, and what ROI are we getting from it? So awesome, thank you. This is a quote we really like. This is from one of our clients at Oracle. "The huge thing about digital credentialing is that it's so portable. It makes it so easy for the job candidate as well as the hiring managers," and this is a really great point.

    It's something... Myself, as a sales director, I'm hiring people all the time, and I can tell you we use Credly to look at skills and see what people have the sales skills we need. So it's something... Not only are we here preaching it, we're using it and we're using it well. So I really love this quote from Oracle. Perfect.

    One of the things we always like to talk about is we always have solutions, but does that bring more challenges? So for us, we want to provide techno technology that's easy to scale so that it allows you to get in up at the front, do pilot programs, see the ROI, and then ultimately scale. For social media, it's more important than ever to be connected and stay connected. If people aren't seeing you, they're going to forget about you. More services, new services and outreach. What are the different things your organizations are doing? How are you branding them, and how are you doing your outreach?

    Then finally, the value. Constant communication about the value. Are the things we're looking at every day providing the value you need for your organization to be successful? Then this is a really great start. As a salesperson, I always like to ask my clients, where do they start? What's most important to them? Because if we can tackle those things up front, it makes the whole process that much easier.

    Is it compliance? Our verification skills make our tool the best in class, because we know it's always compliant and that it's providing you with accurate data. We make it easy for clients to learn and makes it easy for you to translate learning into digital learning. Engagement. Is this what's most important to you? Are you worried about ROI? Who's seeing your posts? Who's taking your course? Who shared it? Then looking at the bottom too, what is the growth and development, and what awards are you providing? This is actually funny.

    Before I even started thinking about Credly as a company, my old company, the only award they issued every year was for the best salesperson, and they just issued one badge every year for the best salesperson, because it was important to them that nobody ever said they were a top salesperson unless they truly were. So that was something I always thought was cool, and then growth and development. Another story about our team is this is something I'm using to scale up my salespeople so that they can become leaders or go into larger sales positions, because that's our goal as leaders, is to help our people get to where they want to go. So drop it in the chat, where would you start? What's most important to you?

    Perfect, and then we'll go through some questions for the audience before we wrap up today. Let me go through my list.

    Stephanie Overman:

    Tom, I can start with a question that we got from Evan.

    Tom Harney:


    Stephanie Overman:

    So Evan asked, "Does Credly have an integration to HubSpot?" So just for everyone on here, we have tons of integrations, especially if you use a learning management system. So you'll certainly want to use the link that will be dropped into chat or the link in the follow up email to talk with our team, but we have an integration with Zapier, and Zapier connects with HubSpot, so it would connect HubSpot to the Credly organization, and that's something that we can talk about more during the onboarding process, make sure we're testing that out. So just know that Zapier is a third party tool that we could use to get that integration up and running.

    Tom Harney:

    Perfect, and then a question I can answer, question from Cindy, "Have you worked with higher education certificates and programs?" The answer is yes we have. One of our teams focuses primarily on working with the higher education space, because we know their goals and challenges are different than professional organizations. So the answer, long story short, yes and well. I don't see... Stephanie, it looks like you had an answer to this one. Can the notification sent to earners be customized?

    Stephanie Overman:

    Yes. Yep. So that initial notification email, as well as the reminder emails, can be customized. I will say that here at Credly, we definitely have the format down to help get the highest open rate. So you're already starting off with a great sequence of emails and cadence of emails, but yes, if you wanted to add something like a hashtag, encourage your earners to share somewhere, we can certainly adjust that for you.

    Tom Harney:

    Excellent. I love that. That is great to know, and honestly, I love being the moderator on these, because I love seeing all the client questions, because then I learn more knowledge as well. Stephanie and Abby, I'm not seeing any more questions. Are there any that you see?

    Stephanie Overman:

    Yeah, I see a question from Paul. Abby, did you want to take that, or would you like me to about... "Do you handle certifications for organizations rather than individuals?"

    Abby Loughran:

    I can take that one. So we do have what we call B2B badging. So you definitely can badge organizations versus individuals. It's essentially just a different template type where you can award it to, for example, a company name. So we definitely do have that capability.

    Tom Harney:

    Excellent. I see one from Crystal. Oh, Stephanie, you already said you were going to answer it. "How long does it take to get up and running?"

    Stephanie Overman:

    So I love this question, because it's probably one of the most frequently asked ones we get. I always say, I've had a group that launched in two days, and I've had a group that has launched in six weeks. Honestly, the sooner that you can get up and running, we tend to see more success with those programs, just because you're getting in the platform. On average, and this is very much on average, I always say give yourself four to six weeks, but if you want to get up and running right away, we can certainly make that happen. I'm always going to be a big, big one to encourage pre-launch marketing to help boost those acceptance rates, but again, you don't have to have all of the pieces right away. Sometimes you can just launch one program as a pilot, and that will help get you up and running quickly. So whatever your timeframe is, we can help make it happen on our end.

    Tom Harney:

    Love it. We have an anonymous attendee question. "Do you have any starter templates for skill related badges, or do we need to create the information ourselves?"

    Abby Loughran:

    I can take that one. So we do have lots of resources in terms of how to get started, how to begin to build the content for your digital credentials. Also, you can search any public information on our platform. So what that means is you can search other public programs by the title of their company, the types of badges they offer, the types of the skills they offer to surface what they're badging for, and to see how others have approached it simply as client examples to benchmark by. We also have, like Steph mentioned earlier, within our trading resources, we have lots of information to get you started, and so we're constantly rolling out additional resources. We've recently partnered with MC, for example, in terms of skills normalization, and we rolled out a skills suggest feature to help you with selecting those skills that represent your badges.

    Tom Harney:

    Awesome answer, Abby. Thank you. I'm just looking for some more questions.

    Stephanie Overman:

    I can grab a question from... Excuse me if I'm not pronouncing your name correctly, Bingal, but, "Is there any criteria for content, or do you evaluate anything in content?" So I'm assuming you're asking here about the standards that we have. We definitely have best practices when creating what we call metadata, which is really the meat of the badge. So this is going to be your criteria, your descriptions, your skills. We have best practices across the board, and we do see that when groups follow those best practices and really build out their metadata to make it more robust, they get higher engagement rates, and by engagement, I mean share, acceptance rate. So we certainly provide those to you so that you can follow them as you go through each piece of metadata. You can follow our best practice for that.

    Tom Harney:

    Awesome. Thank you so much. Sorry, I was looking up another question. A question we get a lot is about white labeling. Typically, this comes up with some of our competitors. We typically don't believe that it is the most important, because it's allowing you to brand yourselves. We actually have a blog post with a really great answer that I'll drop in the chat, because I want to give you all the full answer instead of breezing just over it. Abby, Stephanie, do you see any other questions we could answer?

    Abby Loughran:

    I see one more, and it's for you, Tom. We had a question regarding the general idea of costs.

    Tom Harney:

    Awesome. So cost, as always, always comes up. It's based on an earner model. It allows you to create programs and allow your people to earn as many badges as you provide. We do go this route, because it provides the best experience for your people, it provides the best experience for you, and it allows you to get the true breadth of the analytics. Our starter packages start anywhere from $2,500 to $5,000, obviously scaling up for bigger organizations in the 10, 25, $50,000 range. So like I said at the beginning of the call, our sales teams will listen to you, understand your problems and provide a solution that makes sense for you. So obviously, I couldn't quote everybody a price today, but if you take the time to meet with us, you have my word, we understand your problems and we give you our best rate so that we can earn your partnership as a partner. Any other questions?

    Stephanie Overman:

    No, but I will say that Abby and I are hoping that we get to see some of your faces soon and work with you directly. This was so much fun.

    Tom Harney:

    Yeah. Honestly, all the kudos to you, Stephanie. To you, Abby. You are both rock stars. Thank you for leading the charge today, because I know I learned something. I hope everybody else did as well. Awesome. Well, if that's it, we'll give everybody 15 minutes back in their day, and we hope to see you on our next webinar. Have a wonderful day, everybody.


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