Credly Now Supports Open Badge 3.0: What It Means for Badge Earners

    Earners can now showcase all their earned credentials in one place with Credly's support for Open Badge 3.0. Learn how integrating with Credly streamlines the credentialing process and enriches the learning experience for badge earners.
    calendar-plus-01 October 16, 2024
    user-circle Credly
    hourglass-01 2 min read
    A badge earner viewing their collection of digital badges on their Credly account

    At Credly, we’re committed to helping organizations provide learners with the best way to showcase their achievements and skills. We are excited to announce our support for Open Badge 3.0, enabling badge earners to upload and verify any badge that adheres to OpenBadge 2.0 or 3.0 standards—regardless of the platform from which it was issued. This upgrade further enhances our platform’s role as the central hub for all digital credentials.

    What is Open Badge 3.0?

    Open Badge standards, governed by 1EdTech, ensure that digital credentials, such as badges, are interoperable across platforms and carry consistent metadata. This metadata includes key details like the badge issuer, the date awarded, and the skills or criteria it validates. Open Badge 3.0 is the latest and most advanced iteration of these standards, designed to make badges more secure, portable, and aligned with skills frameworks.

    The Benefits of Unified Credentialing

    With Credly’s new feature, badge earners can upload any OpenBadge-compliant credential to their profiles, and we’ll automatically parse the metadata and verify its authenticity. This verification adds credibility to the badge, ensuring that viewers can trust its legitimacy.

    Furthermore, Open Badge 3.0 support allows learners to consolidate their credentials from various platforms into one profile, creating a comprehensive showcase of their achievements. This unified approach not only saves time for learners but also allows issuers to gain better visibility for their credentials.

    For prospective issuers, starting to issue credentials through Credly guarantees immediate visibility within a well-established ecosystem, attracting earners who are already using Credly to display their accomplishments.

    Additionally, for enterprises utilizing our Workforce API, this feature enriches the data feed with insights into learning completed by employees across various credentialing sources and platforms. This comprehensive data helps organizations better understand and leverage their workforce's skills and learning journeys.

    By integrating with Credly, issuers can maximize their reach, ensure their credentials are effectively showcased, and contribute to a more informed workforce.

    What’s Next for Credly Issuers?

    Transitioning to Open Badge 3.0 will be seamless for Credly issuers. While there will be no noticeable changes to how they issue badges, the benefits will be clear: a more secure, interoperable, and powerful way to manage and showcase digital credentials. Issuers can easily ensure that their badges are verifiable and consolidate their credentialing efforts for learners.

    Why Credly is the Obvious Choice

    As home to some of the world’s most recognized badge issuers, Credly is a trusted leader in digital credentials. With the addition of Open Badge 3.0 support, we’re enhancing this leadership by offering issuers a more streamlined, secure, and comprehensive platform. Whether you’re an organization looking to issue badges or an enterprise aiming to leverage workforce skills, Credly ensures that credentials are accurately represented and easily shareable.

    To learn more about the range of features and benefits of Credly, schedule a demo now.

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