Do You Know How to Keep Up With the Skills Gap?

    The skills gap - defined as the divide between the skills employers expect employees to have versus the skills employees and job seekers actually possess - is becoming more obvious now that the workforce is stuck between baby boomers and Gen Z. There is a disconnect between the skills that an older generation holds, and what is actually needed in the current economy. Recent college graduates are stuck in a skills gap crisis because higher education institutions are slow to adapt to rapid technological changes, making a younger generation also ill-equipped to meet the demands of employers.

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    It sounds bleak, but there’s a remedy: digital credentials. Verified proof of skills and competency through the use of digital credentials benefits everyone: an older workforce who need to refresh their skills and move into the second phase of their career, and a younger generation who needs training in areas like leadership, project management, and communication skills.

    In a recent interview with UPCEA, Credly Founder & CEO Jonathan Finkelstein weighed in on how traditional education and training can’t keep up with the demanding needs of the current and future workforce and how digital credentials help fill that gap.



    If you’d like more information on how your organization can help close the skills gap, schedule time with a digital credentialing expert.

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