G2 Summer Reports 2024: Credly Named Leader Across Seven Reports

    Discover Credly's Exceptional Rankings in G2's Summer 2024 Reports! Credly secures top positions and earns high praise in digital credential management software, reaffirming our industry leadership.
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    G2 Summer Reports 2024 badges

    We are proud to announce Credly's strong rankings in the recently released G2 Summer 2024 Reports. We have received various recognitions in the digital credential management software category across regions and company size.

    Named Leader Across 7 Reports

    • #1 Leader: Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management
    • #1 Leader: Mid-Market Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management 
    • #1 Leader: Europe Regional Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management 
    • #1 Leader: EMEA Regional Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management 
    • #3 Leader: Asia Pacific Regional Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management
    • #3 Leader: Asia Regional Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management 
    • #4 Leader: Small-Business Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management 

    Top Spot in G2 Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management

    We're excited to announce that we have remained in the top spot for the third consecutive quarter in the Grid® Report for Digital Credential Management Software Category. This achievement underscores our unwavering commitment to customer success and excellence. 

    99% of users rated our platform 4 or 5 stars, and 96% said they would likely recommend Credly. Our performance in all categories, including Quality of Support, Ease of Use, Ease of Admin, Ease of Setup, Ease of Doing Business With, and Meets Requirements, surpasses industry averages on G2, solidifying our position as a leader in the field. 

    '‘Credly has been a lifesaver for us, addressing some significant challenges we faced before using their platform…It's an incredibly powerful credentialing service that has revolutionized our leadership development program. We consider ourselves fortunate to have Credly on board.'' - Rachel B.

    ''Credly Acclaim was quick and easy to implement and set up for our organization. I was assigned a Customer Support partner who walked me through how to get started, and after that session I was able to get the program and up and running quickly within the organization.'' - Lauren S.

    #1 in Europe & EMEA Digital Credential Management Software

    For the third quarter, we were awarded the #1 Leader position in the EMEA and Europe Regional Grid® Reports. Our platform's versatility has been widely praised by users across the globe, earning top rankings in key categories.

    Our commitment to user satisfaction is evident, and our recommendation rate in both reports has increased to 97%, alongside consistently high ratings in key areas such as quality of support, ease of use, and ease of administration.

    Leading the Asia Pacific and Asia Region 

    Building on our consistently outstanding results in Europe and EMEA, we are proud to be recognized for our efforts in the Asia Pacific and Asia Region for the first time in the Summer report. This achievement highlights the dedication of our global team in collaborating with diverse organizations and institutions. Credly has proven to be a highly versatile tool for recognizing and fostering learning and development for individuals everywhere.

    Sustaining Overall Excellence 

    On top of the outstanding achievements above, we consistently maintain a prominent position in both the Mid-Market Grid® Report and the Small Business Grid® Report, further solidifying our leadership in these critical evaluations.

    We would like to say thank you to our user community for their valuable feedback and trust. Credly by Pearson remains dedicated to setting new standards in digital credential management, driving satisfaction, and sustaining momentum for future success.

    For more reviews on Credly, please visit https://www.g2.com/products/credly/reviews

    If you want to learn more about Credly's world-class features, speak to our team today!

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    More here: https://research.g2.com/market-reports

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