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    The Latest Resources in Digital Credentials and Workforce Skills

    Discover what digital credentials are and how they are reshaping the recognition and validation of skills in the evolving landscape of learning and development.
    Digital Badges Defined - Why are they becoming so important in learning and development_110823-01
    Fostering Essential Soft Skills for an AI-Driven World in Higher Education Through Digital Credentials

    In today's ever-evolving job market, employers increasingly seek candidates equipped with...

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    From Attrition to Acceleration in Frontline Retail

    Looking across the retail landscape, two forces are sweeping over the industry. On the...

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    The Future of Retail Work: Adapting to Digital Technology

    The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped consumer behavior almost overnight.

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    Are "New-Collar" Workers the Future of the Workforce?

    Enter: the new collar worker (a term coined by IBM’s CEO Ginni Rometty).

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    How to Manage Your Credential Program Effectively with Digital Credentials

    Digital credentials are the online replacement for paper-based certificates, offering...

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    How To Overcome Learner Hesitation In Committing To Certification Programs

    Product certification programs play a vital role in equipping individuals with the...

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    Building a Skilled Workforce – The Role of Digital Credentials under House Bill 8

    House Bill 8 (HB 8), a groundbreaking education reform measure, has been enacted into...

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    How Blockchain Technology Revolutionizes Training Programs in Highly Regulated Industries

    Blockchain technology has emerged as a disruptive force, revolutionizing data storage,...

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