Adding Value to Business Schools with Credentials that Count

    The higher education landscape is rapidly evolving, with alternative credentials emerging as valuable options alongside traditional degrees. Discover how business schools can leverage digital credentials to meet this demand and add value to their courses in our whitepaper.

    calendar-plus-01 April 5, 2024
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    Amidst this transformative shift in learning and education, business schools are seeing a significant demand for alternative credentials as they strive to equip students with the most up-to-date skills necessary to adapt swiftly to both micro and macro environmental changes. 

    Use this whitepaper to:

    • Explore what’s driving demand for alternative credentials and the motivations of business students seeking them.
    • Learn more about how alternative credentials, specifically digital badges add value for business schools in higher education institutions.
    • Uncover strategies for integrating digital credentials into business programs.


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