The Rise of Remote Learning and Alternative Credentials in Business Schools

    Business schools can harness the power of alternative credentials, particularly digital badges to drive remote learning initiatives forward. Learn more about the booming market and the benefits it offers for institutions and students.
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    Business students excitedly receiving their digital badges upon completing online courses

    Alternative Credentials Are Booming

    The alternative credentials market is expected to soar. Driven by the increase in remote learning since the pandemic and a shift to more flexible learning models, this presents opportunities for higher education institutions, particularly business schools, which view alternative credentials as a vital strategy for success.


    Pictogram-RGB-Bright Orange_Secured performanceUS $2.92 billion growth in the higher education alternative credentials market.


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    64% of business schools currently offer alternative credentials. 

    Drivers for Alternative Credentials

    38% of students don’t pursue higher education due to cost fears. Especially when the tuition fee for business schools can be significant. Students are demanding more remote and flexible learning opportunities, contributing to the growth of alternative credentials. 

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    53% of students in the US were enrolled in at least one online course.


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    2X Students in the US enrolled solely in online courses nearly doubled from 2019 to 2021.


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    11% average increase in total enrollment for the largest online universities.


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    74% of students say including industry micro-credentials would influence their program choices. 

    Transitioning towards flexible learning pathways that widen education opportunities for youths and adults is a crucial policy focus for revitalizing higher education systems. By doing so, we can address the triple policy objectives of improving access, quality and equity in higher education provision.

    Libing Wang
    Chief of Section for Education, UNESCO

    Unlocking the Potential of Remote Learning

    Responding to students' demands, colleges and universities are pursuing remote learning growth, using technology to scale programs, reduce costs, and connect students to work opportunities.

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    Increase enrollment

    Remote learning allows students to create flexible schedules that fit their lives. Schools attract a more diverse range of students.

    Reduce Costs

    Technology integration enables colleges and universities to reduce facility costs while serving more students. Reduced travel costs and residential fees increase student affordability.
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    Lifelong Learning

    Remote learning supports a culture of continuous learning so alumni can advance their careers. Institutions can offer a range of courses that allow students to upskill or reskill anytime, anywhere.

    Business Schools Leading the Way in Remote Education

    The University of Illinois offers its online MBA program for US$22,000

    It has retired from its traditional residential degree.
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    The University of Warwick's Global Online MBA ranks third globally

    according to the Financial Times' Online MBA ranking for 2024.
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    Digital Credentials Advance the Shift in Education

    Business schools can leverage alternative credentials, particularly digital ones, to bolster remote learning initiatives. These digital credentials offer significant benefits for institutions, students, and employers alike. Here's how

    • Validating Non-Traditional Learning: Digital credentials verify achievements in flexible paths like micro-credentials and short courses, enabling module or competency recognition.
    • Enhance Security and Credibility: Digital credentials provide a secure, verifiable way to showcase online achievements, without cumbersome paperwork.
    • Synchronize with Technology: Digital credentials seamlessly integrate with online platforms and learning systems, simplifying issuing, managing, and verifying achievements.
    • Perform on a Global Stage: Digital credentials are globally accessible and recognized by employers worldwide, offering standardized badge representation for increased value internationally.

    Credly facilitates a shared language of verified knowledge, skills, and abilities among students, institutions, and employers. Complete the form below to download our whitepaper and explore how business schools can enhance their courses with digital credentials.


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