Maximizing Success: How Digital Credentials Drive Training Providers in Certification-Driven Industries

    Discover how training providers can leverage digital credentials to maximize success for training programs targeted to highly regulated and certification-driven industries.
    calendar-plus-01 June 19, 2023
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    Maximizing Success: How Digital Credentials Drive Training Providers in Certification-Driven Industries Whitepaper Cover Image and First Page

    According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report, over 55% of workers in sectors such as aviation, travel and tourism, financial services, biotechnology and healthcare will require some form of reskilling due to disruptive changes in the current business environment. These changes encompass digital transformation, automation, and globalization, all contributing to a shortage of skilled workers. 

    However, the challenges these highly regulated and certification-intensive industries face present a real opportunity for training providers. To capitalize on growing demand, training providers need to understand the difficulties these organizations face and adopt innovative solutions.

    In this whitepaper, we will explore how this opportunity can be leveraged through digital credentials by:

    • Outlining the challenges faced by 5 sectors that require high levels of certification and training.
    • The role training providers can play in supporting these training needs.
    • How digital credentials can help training providers quickly scale their program to meet these needs.

    Simply fill in the form below to access the whitepaper!


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