Building a Culture of Learning: How Training Providers Can Use Digital Credentials to Support their Clients

    Building a learning culture is crucial for companies to stay competitive. Training providers can offer digital credentials to support the development of a learning mindset in organizations.
    calendar-plus-01 April 11, 2023
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    hourglass-01 4 min read
    Developing a culture of learning with digital credentials

    The need for organizations to embrace a culture of learning has never been greater. With the rapid pace of technological change, 54% of the workforce will need upskilling or reskilling by 2025, according to a report by Harvard Business Publishing. This presents a significant challenge for organizations, especially in light of the economic downturn. However, investing in the upskilling, reskilling, and learning of current employees can help organizations weather the storm and emerge stronger. 

    In the past, the need to build a culture of learning was driven by the desire to improve employee engagement and retention. However, today, it's becoming essential for companies looking to stay competitive in the market and survive the fast pace of technological change. With the constant need for new skills and knowledge, creating a learning culture is becoming more important than ever. 

    One key way to provide this support is by investing in training and professional development programs. However, these programs need to be more than just a one-time event. They need to be ongoing and accessible to all employees, not just "high potentials." This is where training providers can help. By offering scalable, flexible training opportunities to all members of an organization, training providers can support the development of a culture of learning for their clients. 

    Training providers are critical in building a culture of learning within organizations. They are in a unique position to provide the resources, support, and training that organizations need to create a learning mindset among their employees. By partnering with their clients, training providers can help organizations identify their learning needs, develop learning strategies, and implement training programs that meet those needs. 

    One way training providers can support their clients in building a learning culture is by leveraging digital credentials. Digital credentials, such as badges and certifications, provide a way for employees to demonstrate their skills and knowledge and to be recognized for the learning they have done. Digital credentials also provide a way for employees to track their learning progress and set learning goals. Training Trends 2022 from City & Guilds highlights the growing importance of digital skills and the need for flexible and accessible training. It also emphasizes the importance of personalization and creating a learner-centred approach. This is where digital credentials can play a key role in supporting a culture of learning. 

    What are digital credentials? 

    Digital credentials are a powerful tool for training providers to increase motivation, raise course completion rates, and create a robust marketing channel to acquire new customers. They provide a way for their learners to showcase their achievements, and for organizations to recognize and reward those achievements. [Discover more about the value of digital credentials in today's economy] 

    Digital credentials can also measure ROI of training programs, not just for clients in terms of the engagement levels of their staff but also for the training providers themselves. By providing learners with a tangible, verifiable record of their achievements, digital credentials can help to increase engagement and retention. This, in turn, can lead to higher completion rates, which can help to justify the investment in training programs and solidify relationships with current customers for future business. 

    Case studies from training providers such as CompTIA and ForgeRock have implemented digital credentials to support their training programs and have seen success in increasing the engagement and retention of learners. CompTIA, for instance, has seen a 20% increase in certification enrollment and a 25% increase in certification completion rates after implementing digital credentials. 

    To discover how digital credentials can bring value to your training business and increase your reach, download our new whitepaper, 'Strategic Checklist: How Training Providers Can Grow Their Business Using the Power of Digital Credentials’  below. Packed with success stories, use cases and a strategic checklist to outline the value digital credentials can bring, make sure you don’t miss this opportunity to capitalize on the growing culture of learning.  

    Ready to transform your training programs with digital credentials? Schedule a demo with us today and unlock the full potential of learning culture!

    Access the Whitepaper

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