Creating Career Opportunities in Tech with Digital Credentials

    Digital credentials offer a level playing field for diverse learners, enabling them to showcase skills and achievements. This flexibility attracts a wider pipeline of learners, benefiting product certification providers and employers.
    calendar-plus-01 April 11, 2023
    user-circle Credly Team
    hourglass-01 5 min read

    The world of work is changing, and the demand for upskilling and reskilling of the workforce is on the rise. The World Economic Forum predicts that over a billion employees will require reskilling by 2030. This presents a great opportunity for product certification providers to expand their training courses to new prospects, including those who are looking to break into tech and software development. 

    Digital credentials, such as micro-credentials, provide a way for learners to demonstrate their skills and achievements to employers and future recruiters. These credentials are especially valuable for learners who come from a diverse range of backgrounds, as they offer a level playing field and provide recognition for their skills and achievements. 

    While previously some workers may have been cut off from traditional higher education, either unable to justify the financial commitment or other personal circumstances, digital credentials can offer flexible and achievable ways to gather skills and knowledge towards the careers they want. 

    Product certification providers have a unique opportunity to reach a wider and more diverse pipeline of learners through digital credentials. The certifications provide learners with a digital badge that communicates their skills and achievements, and makes it easier for them to demonstrate their abilities to potential employers and recruiters. 

    Digital credentials also offer a level of flexibility and convenience that traditional training methods cannot match. Learners can complete their certifications online, at their own pace, and from the comfort of their own homes. This makes it possible for learners who might not have the time or resources to pursue traditional training to still achieve certification and enhance their careers. 

    For years Amazon Web Services (AWS) have been offering digital credentials to support their education programs for those looking to upskill and enter the tech industry. Through the AWS education programs individual learners can upskill in areas such as cloud computing and enter the tech industry. They are then able to take their digital credential to their current or new employers to demonstrate their skills and expertise, in a clear and easily verifiable format. This not only opened new career paths for learners, but also helped to bring new talent and diversity to the industry, with a recent study revealing: 

    • 42% of AWS earners getting a new job  
    • 24% earning a raise 
    • And 35% changing careers 

    Belle Fleur Technologies, a consulting firm specialising in data analytics and AI solutions for clients hosted on AWS, regularly sources talent from the graduates of the AWS education programs that are clearly identified by their digital credentials. This provides them with a unique opportunity to approach individuals with the right skills and credentials for further career opportunities. 

    In addition to reaching a wider and more diverse pool of learners, digital credentials also offer benefits to employers. Digital credentials provide a clear and verifiable way for employers to assess the skills and abilities of potential candidates, reducing the time and effort required to evaluate resumes and interview candidates. Tia Dubuisson, President and Founder of Belle Fleur Technologies, also shared that she has seen recipients of the AWS digital badges stay longer in their roles. She attributes this commitment to the amount of time learners have invested in building their skills and their propensity to continue learning. 

    The demand for upskilling and reskilling of the workforce is on the rise, and product certification providers have a unique opportunity to support a wider group of individuals who wish to develop these new skills. Digital credentials provide learners with a way to demonstrate their skills and achievements and offer a level playing field for those who might not have had the opportunity to pursue traditional training. They also offer benefits to employers, as they provide a clear and verifiable way to assess the skills and abilities of potential candidates and offer a way for employers to recognize and reward the skills and achievements of their current employees. 

    Today's talent expects product certifications to provide them with more than just training. They are looking for visible and clear communication of their skills and abilities. Learn how micro-credentialing through Acclaim can add value for your product certification earners, their employers, and future recruiters. Schedule a demo to learn more today. 

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