Community College Students & Marketability

    Boost community college outcomes by partnering up with local employers, align skills via digital credentials, and leverage labor market insights for job opportunities.

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    With the demand for community college on the rise--there are nearly six million individuals enrolled in community colleges in the U.S.--it’s no surprise that improving outcomes (getting a job or reskilling for a promotion), for students is a top priority. Helping students persist can lead to higher completion rates--and improved earnings. A student who completes an associate degree will earn $5,400 more during their career, on average, than someone who drops out, according to the Community College Research Center.

    One strategy Credly has been touting for a while to improve outcomes: community colleges and local employers working in partnership to identify in-demand skills. [Discover in-depth the role of digital credentials in strengthening these partnerships and improving students' career prospects in our blog] Once skills are identified, colleges can tailor curriculum, map them to digital credentials that students can earn, while creating academic and career pathways for students. [Get strategies for creating a workforce-relevant digital credentialing program in our Credly Employer Engagement Field Guide]

    Now, there’s another tool we’d like to share: Labor market insights. Once you’ve established a digital credentialing program for your college, this tool can help students navigate the job market. As a badge earner, students can find job titles that align with their skills and see open job opportunities in their communities and beyond.

    With real-time data from over 25,000 global job boards, labor market insights enable users to see which employers are looking for candidates with specific credentials, by location. Plus, there’s information on salary ranges and related skills that might be worth pursuing.

    To find out how Credly Acclaim can be a useful tool to help your community college students stand out, schedule a chat with our team today!

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