When you Know Better, You Do Better

    Harness Maya Angelou's advice: "Do your best until you know better; then do better." In business, adapting to digital credentials is daunting, but vital for staying current. Learn how they modernize achievements and retain talent. Connect with our team for insights on transforming your organization.
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    The full Maya Angelou quote that inspired this blog is “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” That statement can be applied to almost every area in life - work, parenting, hobbies, and life in general. If that’s the case, then why is it so hard to recognize, accept, and ultimately implement change?

    Especially in a business setting, adapting early technology is, frankly, scary. There are a million questions to ask before signing a contract, including: will the company be around long-term? Will the company support our needs after we purchase from them? What if we spend a lot of money and we were wrong? Those are legitimate fears and concerns, but what if you don’t adapt and evolve and your organization is seen as antiquated? There are a million examples of this: Kodak, Blockbuster, and General Motors, to name a few.

    The good news is: now you know better. If you’re here, you already know about the tremendous power of digital credentials to retain a workforce, attract new talent, and take an outdated solution (paper certificates) into the 21st century. Now is the time for early adoption and digital credentials are the most logical next step towards simplifying, identifying, and acknowledging accomplishments and learning. Digital credentials aren’t suited for one specific industry, they’re suited for every industry (unless your organization doesn’t value innovation and progress, in which case, read the third paragraph of this blog again).

    Organizations issue digital credentials on Credly’s Acclaim platform for a variety of skills, including leadership, data analysis, and even cake decorating. If you’re offering your organization a chance to learn something new, you should be offering your workforce the chance to own and share the proof of that learning.

    If you’re interested in learning more about how digital credentials can transform your organization, speak to our team now!

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