
    Strategic Checklist: How Training Providers can Grow their Business Using the Power of Digital Credentials

    In this strategic checklist we explore how training providers can grow their business and strengthen customer relationships to meet training demand with digital credentials.
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    Top Tips to Strengthen Marketing with Engaged Badge Earners

    Digital badges are invaluable tools for employers and learning/training organizations to...

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    How to Save Money with Digital Badges in Learning & Development

    Talk to Sales Sign in Solutions Employers Learning and Development Talent Acquisition...

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    4 Ways to Measure and Increase the ROI of Employee Development with Skills Data

    Talk to Sales Sign in Solutions Employers Learning and Development Talent Acquisition...

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    Reasons You Must Measure and Evaluate Training Outcomes

    Employee training is more crucial than ever. In 2019, the Organization for Economic...

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    Don’t Let Your L&D Budget Go To Waste: Common Mistakes to Avoid

    Economic downturns often lead organizations to tighten their belts. Learning and...

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    How to Maximise Your Employee Skills Training Budget and ROI

    With relatively large budgets and the challenge of tying expenditures to business...

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    What are the Top 5 skills needed in IT in 2024?

    Talk to Sales Sign in Solutions Employers Learning and Development Talent Acquisition...

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    2024 Training Industry Skills Outlook - IT

    According to a report by the International Data Corporation (IDC), the global shortage of...

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    What are the Top 5 skills needed in Healthcare in 2024?

    Talk to Sales Sign in Solutions Employers Learning and Development Talent Acquisition...

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    2024 Training Industry Skills Outlook - Healthcare

    The World Economic Forum predicts a significant shortage of healthcare workers,...

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