Creating Career Opportunities in Tech with Digital Credentials

    The world of work is changing, and the demand for upskilling and reskilling of the...

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    Measuring the Impact of Your Product Certification Program

    As a product certification provider, your goal is to help learners gain the skills and...

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    Credentialing Programs for Product Certification Providers: 3 Ways to Drive Visibility

    Combine that with the growing shift to skills-based hiring , and the demand for people to...

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    Market & Grow Your Product Certification Program with Digital Credentials

    Certification breeds loyalty, creates community, and gives users a reason to continue...

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    Are Your Credentials Secure? A 4-Point Checklist

    Expanding digital footprints due to accelerated digital transformation means that...

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    Can Digital Credentials Save Your Company Money?

    Digital credentials play a pivotal role in translating knowledge, skills, and abilities...

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    The Art of Credentialing: Maximizing Value through Metadata

    Digital credentials, manifested in the form of digital badges, derive their substance...

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